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22nd February, apart from being a week away from your paycheck, is also a unique date, as it is both a palindrome and an ambigram.

A palindrome is a sequence of numbers, words, or phrases that read the same back to front as they do front to back.

An ambigram is one where the word reads the same upside down. So, the date 22-02-2022 is the same backward to forward as it is forward to backward, and also looks the exact same upside down!

If you are part of the grammar police, you would know this already, but for the rest of us mere mortals, it is an interesting phenomenon.

Today is also being called ‘Twosday’ on the interwebs for the same reason.

The first known palindrome is widely believed to be the Latin ‘sator arepo tenet opera rotas’ meaning ‘The sower Arepo leads with his hand the plough’, dating back to Roman times

Ancient Greek and Sanskrit scripts have historically also contained palindromes. Even though English writers cited Latin and Greek palindromes in their literary work, poet  John Taylor is believed to have coined one in 1614 that read: ‘Lewd did I live, & evil I did dwel’. This sentence is considered to be the first English-language palindrome.

In English, there are many word pairs which are understood to be palindromes, also commonly used words such as ?race car?, ?civic?, ?kayak?, ?madam? etc.

Many cultures, including in India also believe that a palindrome date can bring good fortune.

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