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By Priyanka Dey

The lush green country side, peaceful atmosphere, simple people and close to nature is the description of West Bengal villages. But one of those villages is Naxalbari, a village near to Siliguri whose existence is known for the uprising of political movement in 1966 ?The Naxalbari ?.The movement started initial by a bunch of landless farmers to say a no for once and all to the land owners and the social injustice they have faced for generations . The Marxian view would call this the rise of proliterate, so it was in real. However the Leninist view is a bit difficult to be approached, according to Lenin not just right but the change of ownership of the lower class is required. But such transfer of power will again lead to different class struggle. As we find it today the upsurge of a community causes political and social unrest by the others. The tag we proudly wear ?Unity in diversity ?is a justification of the endless argumentativeness.

A section of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI-M) led by Kanu Sanyal, Charu Majumdar and Jangal Santhal initiated a violent uprising in 1967 from Naxalbari when the sharecroppers armed with conventional weapon fought with the jotedars to occupy farmland. This mutiny was against the deprivation of poor farmers, injustice, corruption and lack of education. The human rights violation caused an entire state to burn in its fire and eventually the whole country. However, there were some mistakes done by the group in the insurgency period. First, the philosophical base being provide by people who went underground and Charu Majumdar who was not a propagator of the initial philosophy being easiest possible source to join the movement. The difference in philosophy lead to heterogeneous members in a group. Second, the divergence in opinion of armed fight which lead to the final wreckage of the initial party. Third, the order for the local leaders to take actions in their hand due to problems of communication and necessity for immediate action lead to imprecise output.

This society presently faces the same exploitation and render similar rewards to the upper class. So what is the cause that we are still in the same state? It?s the mathematics of politics. The prominent leader of Naxalite movement, Kanu Sanyal lived all his life in a hut with mundane prerequisite and heartfelt posters of leaders and philosophers whereas present political leaders are the top 10 ? 20 % rich people of the country. The basement tells how high the building can be built.

Naxalbari was for a long time out left unnoticed. Due to the political unrest the social transformation which is the main motive of the movement have not occurred as expected. The people there must wonder, what would have been the scenario if epicenter of the movement was different? , Can I not have a better life because of my native geography? , Should I feel honored or curse being born here?. The answers yet to be obtained.

The report of India TV on 09 Mar 2014 ?People in Naxalbari engaged in betelnut business ? says that new business of betelnut has helped the villagers for whom the subsistence livelihood from agriculture was not possible can now earn Rs. 5000 to 7000 every month . But what we are looking at it the rise of another capitalist class and we will wait for the motherland of Indian class struggle to resolve the same in future.

The corruption, stagnation, fragmentation, exploitation, terrorism and illegitimacy calls for history to recreate captives of fury. The uprising to be continue in our lives and actions .We await the rise of leaders amongst us, the youth to do the promised and unravel the glory.


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