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A lack of appreciation is the number one reason why Americans quit their jobs today. Creating and fostering a work environment where recognition and praise are abundant is important. You can incorporate fun methods to show employees this.

For example, pick one day a week where your team has a 20-minute huddle. Everyone can take turns recognizing something great one of their co-workers did that week. It will boost morale and strengthen the team as a whole by recognizing everyone individually.

Or allow your team to send shoutout emails during the workweek! Encourage your employees to recognize their co-workers when it?s deserved. 

Other appreciation events could include potluck lunches, team-building events, and even surprises. Nothing builds spirit quite like team events. Once a month, your organization could host a fun team event. 

Set a certain budget per person and choose a new theme each month. For example, one month could be ?Challenging Comfort Zones,? while another is ?Experiencing New Things.? 

Giving your employees something to look forward to will keep their momentum up. 

Potluck lunches are a great way for your team to connect. Everyone can bring a dish they love, share the recipe, and eat together. If possible, your company could even reimburse for groceries. Allow your employees to showcase their cooking talents and connect over something we all do – eat!

Some fun ideas include desk bombing! Every week, a random employee will be chosen and all the other team members will ?bomb? that person?s desk. The team will decorate their desk, leave uplifting gifts and messages, and a signed card from everyone. It?s a fun activity for employees to do together, and everyone will get their special turn. 

Appreciation that flows all year is the best kind! And it doesn?t have to take a lot of money and energy to keep it up. There are simple ways to let employees know you?re grateful for them and the work they do. Recognizing your employees specifically for their specific contributions. A generic thank you to everyone is not personal and doesn?t help your employees relate to you. 

Instead, take the extra second to thank them specifically for something they specifically did. Or for something that only they can specifically do. Your employees are individuals despite being part of a team. Recognizing their individual contributions and strengths so they can feel as special as they are. 

Don?t just be specific, let your appreciation be visible. Some organizations create a thankful board. Hang up a bulletin board in the team lounge. Everyone can post public messages of thanks and gratefulness throughout the week.

Think of ways to not only show your employees that you appreciate them but to show them that you genuinely care. 

Creating a Positive and Appreciative Work Culture

Every individual employee has a life outside of work. They each have families, expenses to pay, and challenges they face. One of the most important things you can do as an employer is to show you genuinely care. Care about your employees and what they go through in their personal lives. This can often take a toll on their work. 

Let your team know that your organization values your employees? wellness and health. Dedication to your employees? health is valuable on an individual and group level. Allow your employees to be home when they are sick to rest, recover, and keep their teammates from being exposed. Taking rest time to recover is imperative to stress and performance levels

A person who is mentally and physically drained will not be able to deliver their best work and it is unfair to expect them to. Trust your employees to be responsible enough not to abuse your allowances, but to use discretion and still get their work done in a timely manner. 

Know your employees and foster the right culture for your organization?s environment. 

The key to making everything work is implementing the right strategies into regular practice. Make sure the things you do to improve your company culture are something that fits into your work culture. Make sure it doesn?t drain anyone of time, energy, or money. These practices are meant to be uplifting and positive, not negative in any way. 

Give your employees the tools and resources they need to be successful. Provide these throughout the year, not just once per year. This has an enormous impact on employee retention and happiness. 

Give your employees the chance to keep learning and developing. Send them to conferences. Host lunch and learns. Send them books they want to read. Inspire them. 

Give your employees room to have fun. Plan monthly events or outings in an effort to thank everyone for their work. Let them take a dance class or hire someone to teach them a new skill. Bring everyone together in fun, new ways that break up the regular work routine. Get creative or have the employees come up with their own ideas. 

By Live News Daily

Live News Daily is a trusted name in the digital news space, delivering accurate, timely, and in-depth reporting on a wide range of topics.

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