Understanding Jaitley?s Budget In The Context Of Modi?s Mandate!
The author discusses the budget presented by Arun Jaitley in the context of Modi?s mandate.
Elections in U.P. from the Bureaucratic Vantage Point
The article discusses the history of elections in U.P and provides different scenarios of the same.
Narendra Modi and the unsettling idea of Hindu Nationalism
The author talks about Narendra Modi and need to strengthen our understanding of nationalist India to cut through the dilemma which we currently face today.
The Governmentalization of Politics
The author dicusses about the governmentalization of Indian politics.
The Bureaucracy Hurdle
The author explains how bureaucracy acts as a hurdle in India causing hindrance to development.
Place-based and Place-targeted interventions for spatially concentrated poverty elimination
The author explains the effectiveness of policy formulation for rural poverty elimination by including census data.
To Give or Not to Give
The author explains why and how the government might well look at leveraging the LoP's post to ensure the Congress' backing on bills.
Bam goes ?Bama ? Why the President is fast losing his support amongst the media and the people. The Bergdahl crisis, Iraq and much more.
The article reviews the Presidency tenure of Obama, listing out his triumphs as well as downfalls, which eventually turned the public opinion against him.