The precarious life of a PE Analyst
Despite high bonuses that are comparable to that of a CEO of a small company, and higher bonuses , the life of a PE analyst is extremely precarious.
Despite high bonuses that are comparable to that of a CEO of a small company, and higher bonuses , the life of a PE analyst is extremely precarious.
Good financial planning involves getting a PAN card, a proper savings account, getting tax right and other insurances in place before one gets a job.
For the smooth transition from one job to the other one needs to carefully check tax transitions , health insurance and EPF.
Better Financial planning by meeting with experts and with a proper schedule helps in improving the quality of financial assets that one has.
Timing the market is really an obscure idea, investors should not fall prey for this. Investment should be made when the market is low.
At the moment there are regulations set by the Indian central bank that put Bitcoins in a legal gray area. However it can be a boon for India.
The Companies Bill 2013 improves investor protection, provides E-Governance and makes CSR mandatory in the current fiscal year.
India is on its way to become one of the superpowers of the world,however, it's dealing of Pakistan is a source of concern in the West.
G2P experimentation has had limited effect in India due to fragmented state power and with political barriers coming in between of economic transactions
The biggest concern for investors in the economy is the fact that FMCG is no more a safe haven for investment in recent times.