We, The Tweeple.
The author provides a witty and satirical analysis of the use of social media, highlighting its pros and mostly cons and how it has changed people.
The author provides a witty and satirical analysis of the use of social media, highlighting its pros and mostly cons and how it has changed people.
The author explains the stigma attached with comic books and how they've gone from books of mass appeal to 'kid's only'.
The following is a continuation of a previous article by the author which talks about the movie culture in India and reasons for its growth.
if after female bodies, male bodies are also commodified for titillation of women, it is no victory for the feminist cause.
By?Aditya Gupta It is possible that one of the reasons for which 2013 will be most remembered would be the fact that an authority no less, well, authoritative, than the…
This article is sponsored by HOS Designs – Your one stop shop for scarves and stoles. (https://m.facebook.com/HOSDesigns) By Devika Jadhav Fashion is seldom associated with being environment friendly. Most times,…
By Shefali Mehta Most of us have rushed along with Doctor Watson as he follows his friend, the very skillful Sherlock Holmes, who has an eye that spots the tiniest…
By Upali Bhattacharya Mcdonaldisation is a term which is derived from Mcdonalds, i.e the fast food restaurant. It basically means when a culture possesses the characteristics of a fast food…
By Nishit Kunal India is a country where people follow Bollywood like couch potatoes. In fact so much that people tend to believe what is shown in reel as real…
By Baisali Mohanty, traces freedom of speech and expression from its very inception to the present scenario and why and when are restrictions to be imposed.