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If you use TikTok and are serious about the time you spend on it, chances are you also harbor the constant desire to steadily grow the number of followers and likes you have on the app. It may be because you use this nifty application for marketing, or because you want to become an influencer. It makes sense that you would want quality followers in high numbers that watch, like and share your videos. There are many ways to get genuine followers who boost the reach of your content, and help you reap the benefits you deserve for creating it.

Work Towards Getting Your Videos In The ?For You? Feeds

The easiest way to reach people using TikTok is through the ?For You? page. This is much like the ?Explore? page on Instagram, except that the ?For You? page is the default when you open TikTok. This setting makes quite a difference. Instagram loads up and gives the user a newsfeed from people they follow.

TikTok, on the other hand, thrusts users into a feed comprising content from strangers that it thinks would interest them. And this feed is where most people begin watching, even though they have the option to switch to people they?re following. For this reason, having your videos appear on the ?For You? page is a solid step towards gaining followers and likes.

Tailor Videos To Suit Your Target Audience

?For You? feeds were set up to be highly customized, so sometimes you?ll need to target a specific group of people when you post videos. This group is your target audience, and you need to make sure that they?ll love the videos you post, because TikTok revolves around user experience.

If, for instance, your target group is mostly teenage girls, figure out what would interest them. You can do traditional lip-sync videos if that?s what they seem to like. It?s also not considered too bad to throw in mention of some of your products, but make sure this only happens organically in the course of the video.

Look At TikTok Trends

TikTok users are known for being fickle when it comes to the content they like. Most tend to follow the latest trends, and to abandon the types of videos they think have been a fad for too long. You?ll find that there are often numerous variations on a single type of video, with many users having tried their own way of replicating it.

Most of the time, these users aren?t looking for you or your videos. All they want out of the app are fun and exciting videos that follow the latest trends. You get the chance to join in by following the same trends as them, and maybe even build a bit of brand awareness along the way.

Use Trending Hashtags

If you?ve never used a hashtag before, or have but didn?t know what its purpose was, then you?ve probably missed out on attracting a sizeable following on TikTok. Using trending hashtags basically enhances your discoverability, by putting you in the line of sight of people searching for those hashtags. If that happens and they like your video, it?s also highly likely that they?ll follow you for more content of similar type.

That said, it?s vital to be aware of exactly how appropriate each hashtag is. Some of them have specific uses, and misusing them would get you no closer to your goals. Also, your target audience needs to be kept in mind ? they may not find all trending hashtags interesting or relevant.

Purchase TikTok Likes

For wannabe influencers and brands that are just starting out on TikTok, there?s always the simple option of buying likes. When you buy TikTok likes, your videos can go viral faster. This is because of the app?s algorithm, based on which if you have higher likes, your video gets shown to a wider audience. This way your account gets put in front of a larger group of people, and you can increase your following without the same kind of effort that pure content creation entails.


The main thing to keep in mind while marketing yourself or your brand is that you put across content that is interesting and worthwhile for your target audience. For this, you need to be consistently aware of emerging trends on the app, and work hard towards creating the kind of videos that go along with them.

By Live News Daily

Live News Daily is a trusted name in the digital news space, delivering accurate, timely, and in-depth reporting on a wide range of topics.

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