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Have you ever imagined waking up one day only to find out that you no longer have a job all because the robots have all our occupations? We all dread the day when technology will steal all our jobs. Some of us might be scared even more than others are. However, one fact remains that technology is developing quickly and changing our lives when doing so. For instance, those who enjoy gambling do not have to visit a land-based casino to play their favourite games. Instead, they can visit an online casino of their choice and play using  free spiny bez depozytu and other casino games at the comfort of their home.

The same changes are happening in almost all industries whereby people are turning online to get products and services. Moreover, more sites are embracing AI tools, which can attend to their clients? inquiries when customer support is not in the office. These are just some of the workplace revolutions we have seen in the years, and we are likely to see even more in the future. And this possibly means that some careers will be overtaken by robots, and some people may end up losing their jobs. 

Which Generation Is not Afraid of Automation?

On the other hand, not everyone is afraid of automation, especially in the workplace. Take Generation Z, for example. These are people born between 1997 and 2012. So basically, they have been involved with technology all their lives. They have witnessed all the changes in this industry, and they are always looking for the next big change. 

Zoomers are less afraid of the impact of automation than their older counterparts. They are not afraid of the robot taking over the workspaces, leaving them unemployed. According to a survey by Bright Horizons, 90 per cent of adults know that technology will certainly change their jobs. However, 62% of Generation Z employees have no doubts about automation taking their jobs. 

But then again, remember that this generation has grown up with smartphones, tablets, and other gadgets. So, why is Generation Z not afraid of automation? Here are some of the reasons why they are not worried about these changes in the future. 

They Value Upskilling

Technology is changing almost everything in the workplace. As a result, organisations are rushing forward to adapt to these changes. This means that their employees need to gain the required skills to catch up. Most of the adults in the workplaces nowadays need regular training, and this means another expense for the company. Some of them might be too slow to catch up, while some may not embrace the changes. On the other hand, Generation Z is always eager to catch up with developments. They value upskilling, education, and any training that is involved with automation. They understand that if they can gain the necessary skills, then they can conquer anything new technology brings in the future. 

They Embrace Online Learning

Generation Z has switched to online learning. All their learning materials can be found online, from tutorials to exams and certificates. Since they are already used to this form of learning, then they will not have any trouble adapting to automation at any time, even in the future. Generation Z is not afraid of automation since they have grown with it. They are the true digital natives ready to learn and commit to changes in technology both in their personal lives and workspaces. 

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