460-Foot Asteroid Is Heading Towards Earth At 17583 MPH, NASA Says
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The 460-Foot Asteroid Is Heading Towards Earth At 17583 MPH, NASA Says: Experts Warn of "Potentially Catastrophic" Impacts

NASA’s Red Flag: A 460-Foot, 17583 MPH Asteroid Threatens Earth’s Safety

Asteroid 535844 (2015 BY310), a 460-foot massive space rock, is hurtling towards our planet at a staggering 17583 miles per hour, leaving scientists and experts in a state of high alert. According to NASA, the asteroid will make its closest approach to Earth on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, prompting concerns about its potential impact on our planet’s safety.

NASA’s Tracking Efforts: A 2,280,000-Mile Close Encounter

As a potentially hazardous asteroid (PHA), NASA’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) carefully monitors its trajectory, predicting it will come as close as 2,280,000 miles to our planet. While it may appear distant, this asteroid’s sheer size, combined with its incredible speed, elevates the risk of devastation should it make landfall.

Understanding the Threat: Asteroid 535844’s Kinetic Energy and Impact Angle

The speed at which Asteroid 535844 approaches our planet is a significant concern. At 17583 miles per hour, it carries immense kinetic energy, emphasizing its destructive potential. Additionally, the angle of impact plays a crucial role in determining the asteroid’s potential harm. As experts closely monitor its trajectory, they explore this crucial aspect to grasp the full extent of the threat.

NASA’s Battle Plan:.DrawString a Single-Binary Star

To enhance its asteroid-hunting capabilities, NASA is spearheading the development of the next-generation NEO Surveyor telescope. This innovative space telescope will focus on tracking asteroids and comets, providing crucial insights into their trajectory and potential hazards. Complementing NEO Surveyor’s efforts are existing NASA projects, including the Pan-STARRS, Catalina Sky Survey, and Planetary radar projects (including JPL’s Goldstone Solar System Radar Group).

A Question of Timing: What’s Next for 535844?

As the world anxiously awaits its closest approach, will NASA’s efforts be enough to deter the asteroid’s potentially catastrophic impact? Only time will tell. As the clock ticks down to March 5, 2025, one thing is certain – humanity’s resilience in the face of celestial threats will be put to the test.


With a 460-foot asteroid hurtling towards our planet at 17583 miles per hour, it’s crucial to acknowledge the immense threat posed by 535844. As NASA and experts continue to monitor its trajectory, we must also recognize the potential consequences of an asteroid impact. By staying vigilant and mobilizing our collective response, we can reduce the risk of devastation and ensure our planet’s safety.

You can also check on the updates about the Asteroid 535844 (2015 BY310) and its trajectory on NASA’s official website. Stay tuned for further updates as this story unfolds.

By Live News Daily

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