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Carol Padgett


As of 2021, the use of Instagram for brands has become the epitome of social media success. Instagram as a platform has attracted billions of users from all over the world. Most professional brands have used this platform to enhance social interactions. This is why social media marketing through Instagram has become so important.

Brands and companies are looking to interact with more people and influencers to gain better web traffic and direct conversation with them. Instagram marketing has become important for digital marketing agencies and brands to improve their social image. Here are some Interesting Instagram Facts And Figures that will keep you hooked for more.

Instagram Facts And Figures You Need To Know

Instagram Reels Statistics

  1. The introduction of Instagram Reels became one of the most formidable and original sources of entertainment. Almost every other people have created Instagram Reels or watched a video of them. They have a faster social reach.
  2. Instagram Reels was first introduced in Brazil as Cenas. It was launched s a TikTok alternative, and today almost every brand does come up using Instagram Reels as a source of better engagement.
  3. It is reported that Brazil is the highest-grossing source of content when it comes to providing views. The use of Instagram Reels reached out to a 4.34% increase in Brazil as of 2020.
  4. Not only Brazil but the introduction of Instagram Reels has made a huge impact in Asian countries. It is reported that there has been an increase of 11% download of Instagram just after the launch of Reels.
  5. The average time spent on the Instagram platform has also increased because of this. Most countries have had an increment of 3.5%, while some have around a 4% increase in the average time spent.

Instagram advertising statistics

  1. As per the marketing research conducted, most brands spend 50% of their investments on Social Media marketing. Instagram is one such platform where most brands spend almost 29% of their investments s ads.
  2. There are two types of Instagram ads available. The story does generate at least 35% of impressions, which is widely used, while the regular Instagram ads promote 29% of impressions as per requirements.
  3. It is reported that Instagram provides the highest turnout within the Facebook Group as the ratio of spend and impressions generated. Every day, Instagram accounts for 33% of d revenues, and they provide at least 36% of impressions.
  4. The standard image advertisements have the most turnouts with a reach of 78% from all. At the same time, the stories ads have a reach of at least 73% of the total reach present over here. It is regarded s one of the most effective types of content.
  5. When it comes to product discovery and finding trust, most people turn out to Instagram to discover new products. Almost 70% of the total shoppers do suggest using Instagram to reach out to brands for their requirements.

Instagram Usage Statistics

  1. The Instagram platform is a source of high audience and traffic. As of 2021, it has been reported that Facebook has almost 2.8 billion users. Instagram ranks second after this, with 1 billion active users present.
  2. The number of users available on the Instagram platform for daily usage is also increasing. There are almost 500 million accounts that are active daily on the Instagram platform. This is so second after Facebook.
  3. Age demographics of Instagram are also another aspect where marketing minds would want to reach out. It is said that almost two out of every three users are from the age group of 18-29.
  4. Instagram is now becoming slowly addictive for most people, and also it is a source of communicating with each other. At least 63% of Instagram users do log in once to check updates in a day. Almost 42% open the application multiple times in a day.
  5. Although Instagram is a platform that everyone uses, it is slightly more dominating by women. As of 2021, there are almost 52% female accounts and 48% male accounts available on the Instagram platform.

Instagram Organic Marketing Statistics

  1. When it comes down to organic marketing, Instagram bids out Facebook by a fair margin. From 2019, there has been a huge rise in the levels of marketing. However, Instagram has a 23% better engagement rate than Facebook.
  2. Most of the brands that are present on Instagram come over to see that they have a constant turn of engagement. On average, every brand on Instagram has at least a 4% o engagement rate from their followers.
  3. For marketing options, brands feel more confident to be on the Instagram platform rather than that of any other platform. As per data, brands on Instagram receive almost 10x engagement rate than any other social networking site.
  4. It is clear that the professionals do follow a time-lapse for posting out the right content. Most brands opt to publish content between 2-3 pm CDT, where the numbers of Instagram users are the highest.
  5. Apart from just creating a brand profile on Instagram, the posts also matter. On average, it is seen that most top brands do put up an average of 1.5 posts in a day. The frequency may change a bit depending on the engagement rate.

For more statistics on Instagram you can check this fascinating infographic.


Just after Facebook, the usage of Instagram all over the world can be regarded as one of the highest. It is eminent that using the Instagram marketing platform and brands will get a better turnout of audience. With the right marketing tips and data, it becomes much easier for marketing influencers to reach out to the audience.

These Interesting Instagram Facts And Figures with the Infographic mentioned above will help you to know and improve your marketing skills on this platform.

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